
SMARTargets Logo

SMARTargets™ is a research project of EPRI. The objective of SMARTargets is to develop a new methodology for companies to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets that are grounded in the relevant science, actionable in terms of considering company opportunities, constraints, and risks, and aligned with the global goals of limiting warming to well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C, as stated in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's Paris Agreement.

SMARTargets™ is a research project of EPRI. The objective of SMARTargets is to develop a new methodology for companies to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets that are grounded in the relevant science, actionable in terms of considering company opportunities, constraints, and risks, and aligned with the global goals of limiting warming to well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C, as stated in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's Paris Agreement.

EPRI's research assessing the science has found that a company target grounded in science needs to consider uncertainty about future decarbonization conditions, the unique opportunities available to each company, the multiple social priorities companies are pursuing and supporting, the flexibility required to be able to respond to the futures that unfold, and the robustness of a company's overall strategy to ensure that greenhouse gas targets are consistent with company risk management and resilience. 

The SMARTargets project was initiated after EPRI research found that existing company target setting methodologies and benchmarks were not considering these important issues, which are essential for developing practical company targets, transition risk management, and cost-effective decarbonization. EPRI's research has resulted in technical insights and principles that provide the foundation for a well-grounded company target setting methodology and validation alternative.

EPRI is a non-advocacy, nonprofit, scientific research organization with a public benefit mandate. EPRI has extensive, recognized expertise in, among other things, climate scenarios, climate risk assessment, societal transitions, reporting, disclosure, and stakeholder engagement, as well as recognized research community and scientific leadership and participation in activities such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Advisory Group for Scenario Guidance. 

In addition to developing the new methodology, the project has a Stakeholder Advisory Coalition, composed of representatives from finance, environmental, trade, standard-setting, and industry organizations who provide guidance and feedback to the project and development of the SMARTargets methodology. The project also includes outreach activities to communicate and educate on the relevant science for GHG target setting and, once completed, share the methodology with the public and stakeholders to facilitate understanding and implementation.

Project Brochure

SMARTargets™ offers companies a methodology for grounded and actionable climate targets aligned with global goals.

Placeholder image

Public Event Webcast

On Thursday, January 31st, we held a public event to introduce SMARTargets™—a new project developing a methodology for grounded and actionable company climate targets aligned with global goals.

CO2 Block

Press Release

EPRI launches collaborative project for developing grounded and actionable company climate targets aligned with global goals

CO2 Cogs

The benefits of the project include: 

  • A new methodology and validation option for practical, grounded, defensible targets.

    • That is derived from scientific principles.

    • That is a grounded, comparable process, that provides companies and stakeholders the needed information 

    • That provides insights that inform evolving disclosure and reporting activities and decision-making

  • Scientific education for participants.

  • Collaborative forum for sharing, learning, and discussing.

  • Stakeholder Advisory Coalition for stakeholder input and dialogue

  • Outreach for scientific education and methodology sharing.

About Us

EPRI is a non-advocacy, nonprofit, scientific research organization with a public benefit mandate. EPRI strives to advance knowledge and facilitate informed discussion and decision-making. To learn more about EPRI visit our institute website.

EPRI has decades of relevant and recognized scientific expertise, including in climate scenarios, energy and economic transformation, climate risk, climate change mitigation, policy evaluation, and sustainability, as well as research community leadership and expert participation in the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA), and on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Advisory Group for Scenario Guidance.

EPRI has conducted research on target setting and climate risk that has informed and educated companies and stakeholders for years. 

Meet the project co-leads:


Steven Rose, Ph.D.

Dr. Steven Rose is a Principal Research Economist and Senior Technical Executive at EPRI, and a co-leader of the SMARTargets project. He has over 20 years of experience in conducting research and analysis on climate change and energy issues, with a focus on climate scenarios, socioeconomic transitions, climate change and management, and climate risk assessment. He is a recognized scientific expert, having served as a lead author or contributor to several major scientific assessments and reports, such as the National Academy of Sciences, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board, the National Climate Assessment, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, and the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University, and a BA in economics with mathematical emphasis from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Claudia Octaviano, Ph.D.

Dr. Claudia Octaviano is a Principal Technical Leader at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and a co-leader of the SMARTargets project. She has over 15 years of experience in developing and applying systems modeling tools to support decision making on climate mitigation and adaptation, energy policy, and environmental management. She is a policy expert, having worked as a consultant and advisor for various national and international organizations and governments, such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and the Mexican Ministry of Energy. She has extensive experience in NDC target setting, stakeholder engagement, international negotiations, carbon markets, and economy-wide decarbonization. She holds a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an M.S. in Environmental Science from Yale University, and a BA in Economics from the Monterrey Institute of Technology in Mexico.

Morgan Scott

Morgan Scott

Morgan Scott serves as Director for Climate READi (REsilience and ADaptation initiative) and Sustainability & Ecosystem Stewardship at EPRI. In this role, Morgan leads EPRI’s Climate READi effort designed to develop a comprehensive industry approach to physical climate risk assessment and mitigation. Additionally, she oversees research in three programmatic areas: Ecosystem Risk and Resiliency, Endangered and Protected Species, and Strategic Sustainability Science. Prior to this role, Morgan led EPRI’s sustainability research portfolio, concentrating on developing tools and resources for electric power companies to enhance sustainability. In 2021, she launched EPRI’s Equitable Decarbonization Initiative, aimed at advancing technical research and cross-sector dialogue on decarbonization through an equity-focused lens. Morgan has also contributed to EPRI’s work on Climate Scenario Analysis and Indoor Agriculture. Before joining EPRI, she served as the Sustainability Manager at Consolidated Edison Company of New York, overseeing the company’s sustainability strategy and reporting. Morgan holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Wagner College and an M.S. in Sustainability Management from Columbia University.

SMARTargets is a research project within the Energy Systems and Climate Analysis Group and the Environment and Sustainability area.

Methodology Development

The SMARTargets™ project aims to develop a new methodology and validation option for companies to set GHG emissions reduction targets that are scientifically sound, practical, and aligned with global goals. The need for such a methodology is evident, as companies worldwide face the challenge of setting and achieving GHG targets that also consider climate risk needs, such as transition risk and liability risk. The SMARTargets™ methodology will be developed during 2024, following a rigorous development and review process. 

EPRI research has found the following 5 elements to be essential considerations for developing a practical and scientifically grounded company GHG target:

Methodology Development

A company GHG target based on science must…

Consider Uncertainty of policy, technology, etc.

Recognize Uniqueness of company assets, markets, regulatory structure, etc.

Account for Multiple Objectives a company is responsible for beyond decarbonization - including affordability, reliability, and equity.

Provide Flexibility to respond as the future unfolds.

Support Robust Strategies to support resilience to different futures.

SMARTargets Public Webcast

Watch the SMARTargets™ project Public Launch Event.

The public launch of the SMARTargets™ project took place on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EST), via WEBEX. The public launch featured the following agenda:

  • Welcome and introduction by EPRI.

  • Overview and background of the SMARTargets project.

  • Panel with companies and stakeholders.

  • Q&A session.

  • Closing remarks and next steps by EPRI.

Publications and Additional Resources

The SMARTargets™ methodology is currently under development and will be published free to the public on EPRI’s website when completed. This section of the website also highlights related publications, including background research, such as reports, papers, presentations, and data resources. Please check the website regularly to stay up to date on the latest technical resources related to the project and GHG target setting in general.

Relevant EPRI publications and background research:

Scenarios in IPCC assessments: lessons from AR6 and opportunities for AR7

Differences in Regional Decarbonization Opportunities, Uncertainties, and Risks

Developing Local Climate Change Information: Steps and Illustrative Analysis

Grounding Climate Risk Decisions: Physical Climate Risk Assessment Scientific Foundation and Guidance for Companies

Developing Company Emissions Reduction Targets Based on Science, and Reflections on SBTi: Key Insights

Annex III: Scenarios and Modelling Methods. In Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change


Technical Considerations for Climate-Related Risk Disclosure Rules

EPRI Public Comments on the SEC’s Proposed Climate Risk Disclosure Rule: The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors

Opportunities for Decarbonizing Minnesota’s Economy: Energy System Supply and Demand Assessment

EPRI Public Comments on Federal Acquisition Regulation ANOPR: Minimizing the Risk of Climate Change in Federal Acquisitions

Climate Disclosure and Voluntary Reporting Trends: 2020 Activity Survey Results

Review of 1.5°C and Other Newer Global Emissions Scenarios: Insights for Company and Financial Climate Low-Carbon Transition Risk Assessment and Greenhouse Gas Goal Setting

EPRI Comments on Moody’s “Proposed framework to assess carbon transition risks for electric power companies”

Climate Disclosure and Voluntary Reporting Trends: 2019 Survey Results

Climate Disclosure and Voluntary Reporting Trends: 2018 Survey Results

The Challenge of Setting Company Climate Goals

EPRI Journal

Grounding Decisions: A Scientific Foundation for Companies Considering Global Climate Scenarios and Greenhouse Gas Goals

A Technical Foundation for Company Climate Scenarios and Emissions Goals

Social Cost of Carbon Pricing of Power Sector CO2: Accounting for Leakage and Other Social Implications from Subnational Policies


IAMC 1.5°C Scenario Explorer and Data hosted by IIASA. Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium & International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis


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