EPRI Europe DAC (EEU) was founded in 2019 as a non-profit organization to conduct objective and independent energy and environmental research, development and demonstration projects, for the benefit of the public. EEU aims to enhance the quality of life by making energy safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable. EEU participates in the European Union's Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe collaborative programme as well as other research projects with European governments, organisations, and stakeholders.
EEU focuses on electricity generation, delivery, and use, providing technology, policy and economic analyses to drive long-range research and development planning EEU was established by EPRI as its European research arm, and benefits from the wealth of experience, project knowledge and international network of EPRI.
EPRI Europe’s purpose is to support collaborative projects, and lead or participate in European regional projects, enhancing collaborative relationships with stakeholders in Europe.

EPRI Europe is an independent, non-profit energy research and development organization for the benefit of the public.
Founded in 1972, EPRI is the world's preeminent independent, non-profit energy research and development organization, with offices around the world. EPRI's trusted experts collaborate with more than 450 companies in 45 countries, driving innovation to ensure the public has clean, safe, reliable, affordable, and equitable access to electricity across the globe.
EPRI’s research spans across the Nuclear, Generation, and Power Delivery and Utilization sectors ranging from decarbonization to grid modernization to low-carbon resources.
Together...Shaping the future of energy!

Who We Work With
Rooted in science and rigor, EPRI Europe collaborates with scientists, engineers, government, and experts from academia and industry to shape and drive technology advancement by helping push the frontier of innovation from concept, to pilot and demonstration, to operation and eventuallyend-of-life.

Energy Research at EPRI Europe
As the European research arm of EPRI, EEU’s research is framed by EPRI’s annual research portfolio, including research initiatives such as Low-Carbon Resources Initiative and Climate READi.

European Union (EU) Framework Programmes
The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation is the main EU funding instrument for research and innovation initiatives.
EEU pursues direct funding opportunities with the EU, mainly through Horizon Europe, European national governments, and other stakeholders, provided that those opportunities require a business presence in the EU.
Within the EU framework programmes, EEU is participating in ten European projects, funded by Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, and Clean Hydrogen Partnership.