Energy Delivery and Customer Solutions Laboratories

Energy Delivery and Customer Solutions Laboratories

    Transmission & Distribution

    One of the best ways to understand how energy infrastructure and grid-edge technologies perform is through specialized lab testing. Through EPRI laboratories in Charlotte, NC and Knoxville, Tenn., and the purpose-built test site in Lenox, Mass., engineers have the ability to evaluate new and existing designs, technologies, approaches, and assets enabling engineers to improve the way that they design and manage the energy system.

    EPRI and its T&D labs play a vital role in the energy industry by conducting experimental and technology application research in high-voltage T&D environments. The unique facilities, like the lab in located in a rural setting, features outdoor test lines and substations impacted by all four seasons.

    Researchers use the labs to evaluate new technologies as well as perform forensic studies and tests on existing assets. The results of an EPRI lab or field test are designed to help you understand the performance of new and existing technologies, enabling you to make better decisions.

    Our T&D testing capabilities include:

    • Advanced transmission conductor testing
    • Power transformer diagnostics
    • High-voltage insulator population assessments
    • Underground transmission cable testing
    • UAE and Robotics
    • Manhole events
    • And more!

    Energy Systems & Customer Solutions

    With the acceleration of electrification, increasing demands on power delivery infrastructure, and growth in renewable energy resources, the complexity of the energy system is rapidly intensifying.

    Energy Delivery and Customer Solutions researchers use EPRI’s multiple labs to evaluate new technologies. The results of an EPRI lab or field test are designed to help the electric industry better understand the performance of new and existing technologies, to enable better decision making.

    We can research the performance and applicability of future energy solutions with robotics and augmented and virtual reality, as well as maximize the value of EVs, new lighting technology, indoor and outdoor agriculture approaches, and commercial energy storage at our Knoxville, Tenn., lab totaling 57,000 square feet.

    These lab capabilities for Energy Systems and Customer Solutions include:

    • Energy Storage Systems
    • DER Management Systems
    • Smart Inverters
    • Electric Vehicle Testing
    • AC and DC Vehicle Charging
    • Grid-Edge Cyber Security
    • Power Quality
    • Indoor Agriculture
    • And More!

    EPRI Lab In the News

    EPRI operates a 37-acre T&D lab facility in Lenox, MA where we test grid solutions for safety, reliability, and resilience. Read more here in a Berkshire (MA) Eagle news story that explores many of the more than 100 tests done to the system - including what happens when lightening strikes!


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