Technology Transfer Awards

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  • Technology Transfer Awards

Technology Transfer Awards

The annual EPRI Technology Transfer Awards recognize members who have successfully transferred our research into applied results. The award winners have shown exceptional application of EPRI research and technology in solving a problem of size and significance, championing a technology both with their companies and across the industry, driving progress in the electricity sector, and providing meaningful benefits for their companies’ stakeholders and for society. 

EPRI recognizes and celebrates the hard work, commitment, and leadership demonstrated by these award winners to help make electricity more reliable, efficient, affordable, safe, and environmentally responsible.

The Nuclear Power Council Executive Committee reviewed the award nominations, providing their industry-wide perspective, and selected 13 for Technology Transfer awards, recognizing 49 recipients in 16 EPRI member companies worldwide.

Nominees are judged on the following criteria:

  • Successful application of research results
  • Magnitude of the problem solved
  • Impact and quantifiable benefits of the application to the company, customers, and/or society at large
  • Leadership, innovation, and initiative demonstrated

2023 Nuclear Technology Transfer Award Winners

South Texas Project Team Applies EPRI Expertise to Validate Innovative Ultrasonic Methods for PCCP Evaluation, Saving Significant Time and Resources

As part of its life-cycle management efforts, South Texas Project (STP) was looking for a better way to inspect and repair damaged prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) within the circulating water system at its nuclear power station. As an active EPRI member, STP was able to identify and validate a novel ultrasonic inspection technique and analysis methodology in use in municipal water systems. Learn more here.

EPRI’s Data Driven Decision Making (3DM) Products Help Shandong Nuclear Power Company Create a Smart Corrective Actions Program System

Shandong Nuclear Power Company applied three of EPRI’s Data Driven Decision Making Products to reduce the personnel burden and costs associated with execution of its corrective action program. Learn more here.

Constellation’s Industry-First Application of Non-welded Pipe Fittings, Supported by EPRI Research, Highlights Substantial Cost Saving Opportunity

Constellation Energy’s successful efforts to apply a variety of research from EPRI’s Welding and Repair Technology Center has resulted in the industry’s first ever application of non-welded pipe fittings in nuclear safety-related piping systems. Learn more here.

Safety Analysis Based on EPRI MRP Research Convinces Regulator to Provide Exemption for Taiwan Power Company’s Bottom-Mounted Nozzles Ultrasonic Test

Taiwan Power Company applied EPRI’s Pressurized Water Reactor Materials Reliability Program research as well as international bottom mounted nozzle examination cases to conduct a safety analysis of a visual-only BMN examination program. As a result, the regulator granted an exemption for an ultrasonic test. Learn more here.

New Phased-Array Ultrasonic Testing Technique for Outer Diameter of a Reactor Vessel Nozzle Reduces Refueling Outage Time and Costs for PSEG Nuclear

PSEG Nuclear worked with EPRI in developing a new phased-array ultrasonic testing technique for the outer diameter of reactor vessel nozzles, cutting refueling outage critical path time by 1.5 days. Learn more here.

Commitment to Goal of Zero Condenser In-leakage is Met with Guidance from EPRI, Delivering Significantly Reduced Costs and Downtime for Duke Energy

To eliminate chronic condenser in-leakage in two units at its Brunswick nuclear plant, Duke Energy applied research associated with EPRI’s Plant Reliability and Resilience (PRR) program. Learn more here.

EPRI Guidance Leads First-Ever Climate Vulnerability Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants for Ontario Power Generation

EPRI research guided the planning and execution of Ontario Power Generation’s first-of-a-kind climate risk assessment to identify a list of high-value critical components that are vulnerable to climate change. Learn more here.

EPRI Research Helps Sanmen Nuclear Power Project Determine Optimized Replacement Intervals for Environmental Qualified Equipment

Sanmen Nuclear Power Project (SMNPC) is the world's first AP1000 unit in operation, and applied EPRI research related to its environmental qualified (EQ) equipment resulting in optimized replacement intervals. Learn more here.

FORO Nuclear and CNNP/SNERDI Adopt EPRI’s Guidelines for PWR Nuclear Safety and Support Long-Term Operations in Spain and China

The EPRI-developed framework and strategies for the management of materials aging effects for long-term operation were implemented successfully in China and Spain. By gaining approval from their respective regulators, the framework allows Qinshan (China) and Almaraz (Spain) to continue operating beyond their original license periods. Learn more here.

Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG Integrates Seismic-Induced Fire and Flood Analysis into the Revamp of Fire and Flood Analysis

An innovative analysis of seismic-induced fires and floods at Leibstadt’s nuclear power plant was performed in support of the probabilistic risk assessment for the 2022 Periodic Safety Review. The application of EPRI’s methodology to both the probabilistic and deterministic scope of the analysis resulted in quantifiable benefits in terms of cost and resource savings. Learn more here.

EPRI's Foreign Material Exclusion Guidance and SME/Industry Input Improves Forsmarks FME Program

After Vattenfall became an EPRI member, its Forsmark nuclear power plant requested an EPRI visit and review of its Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) program. By integrating various elements of EPRI research and recommendations from EPRI and industry SMEs, Forsmark is seeing one of the best periods in terms of fuel failures in its recent history. Learn more here.

EPRI Provides Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Safety Analysis Guidance to Ameren, Constellation, and Dominion Energy

Historically, spent fuel pool (SFP) criticality safety analysis (CSA) was simple, as it only relied on the distance between fuel assemblies. However, with the need for increased storage space, distance between fuel assemblies was reduced, and neutron absorber materials were used to control criticality. Some SFPs had multiple absorber materials, sometimes with varying vintage and type. With this increased complexity, application preparation time and regulatory review time increased significantly. Constellation, Dominion Energy, and Ameren participated in the more than seven-year regulatory review of both the EPRI benchmarks and criticality guidance. Learn more here.

Maintenance Strategies Optimized at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant with Validation of PMBD Software in the Japanese Nuclear Industry

For EPRI’s Preventive Maintenance Database (PMBD) to be applied easily in Japan, the Japanese nuclear industry needed to validate its information, especially the failure modes and degradation mechanisms. After a careful study of the EPRI PMBD tools and data, Chubu Electric Power Company recognized the potential use of many “Component Templates” within the PMBD. It conducted an in-depth analysis and developed an optimized maintenance strategy at its Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant and successfully confirmed the applicability of PMBD. Learn more here.

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