Renewables Information Technology Strategic Leadership (RITSL) Forum


September 2022


The RITSL forum is a group of individuals with common interests related to renewable power generation, IT networking and communications, data generation and collection, cyber security, and operational technology (OT). The purpose of the RITSL forum is to:

  • Discuss strategic issues at the intersection of renewable power generation and IT technologies, processes, procedures, or personnel,
  • Identify industry challenges, drivers, and gaps,
  • Provide feedback and input to EPRI on research prioritization,
  • Serve as strategic advisors to EPRI's research programs, technology innovation, supplemental projects, user's groups, interest groups, and other activities,
  • Be a collective “voice of the industry” and representative, and
  • Provide a bridge between research, utilities, vendors, government, and standards bodies.

The RITSL forum can work with EPRI research programs to sponsor research, develop tools and technology, or provide workforce development opportunities to its members through the normal EPRI processes.



The RITSL forum will be facilitated by EPRI and co-led by industry members. The membership is open to the following:

  • EPRI staff
  • EPRI members
  • Approved vendors
  • Approved government agency staff
  • Approved academia and outside researchers
  • Approved standards bodies representatives

Approvals of RITSL members outside of EPRI staff and EPRI members are made by the EPRI staff lead and the RITSL industry co-chairs.



The RITSL forum will be organized and led on a voluntary basis. The leadership of the RITSL forum will be defined as the following:

  • One - EPRI Lead (from the EPRI staff)
  • Two - Industry Co-Chairs

The balance of the participants will constitute the RITSL forum membership body.

Leadership positions have no term limits. Co-chairs may serve the forum for as long as they are capable. If a co-chair is not able to consistently perform the assigned duties, EPRI may replace them to ensure ongoing functionality of the forum. 



It may be necessary for the RITSL forum to constitute and stand-up sub-groups of members for a particular purpose. Sub-groups, committees, and/or sub-committees for a specific purpose, either long-standing or for a fixed term, will be led by their own leadership structure. This leadership structure will be voluntary in nature and will be mutually defined by the EPRI Lead and Industry Co-Chairs.

The leadership of sub-organizations will report to the EPRI Lead and Industry Co-Chairs.



As the RITSL forum is a voluntary EPRI-facilitated, industry-led organization, its authorities are limited.  The RITSL forum's specific authorities are to:

  • Organize industry members and stakeholders for the benefit of the entire industry and the general public,
  • Hold meetings and provide meeting minutes to its members and others,
  • Inform EPRI research programs on research needs, priorities, and desired outcomes, 
  • Provide updates and reports to EPRI senior leadership teams, research and advisory councils, and RITSL member's senior leadership teams, and
  • Serve as a mechanism to connect non-RITSL forum members with other industry stakeholders such as technology vendors, government agencies, standards bodies, regulatory bodies, academia, and other industry groups.

The RITSL forum is specifically NOT authorized to:

  • Represent or speak for EPRI as a whole,
  • Represent or speak for any one RITSL member,
  • Lobby or advocate to any regulatory body,
  • Engage in any anti-trust activities, or
  • Engage in any activity that could jeopardize EPRI's 501.c.3 status.


Validity and Term:

The RITSL forum will be a valid, functioning organization while the EPRI Lead and two Industry Co-Chair positions are occupied. There is no term limit or automatic disbandment dates or triggers for the RITSL forum. The RITSL forum will remain a valid organization until such time that its purpose is deemed complete by the membership, it is no longer sustainable, or mutually agreed upon by the EPRI Lead and Industry Co-Chairs.

When the RITSL forum is disbanded, sufficient notice will be given to the membership of the disbandment date and communicated in a timely fashion. 



Through 2023, EPRI may provide resources and support for RITSL forum activities that may include regular webcasts and virtual meetings, workshops, face-to-face meetings, outreach materials, electronic web hosting, and other functions. EPRI reserves the right to alter the support model at any time. The EPRI Lead will work with the Industry Co-Chairs when a change in the EPRI provided support model is necessary.


Deliverables and Reporting Plan:

The RITSL forum may produce deliverables or documents. Deliverables can be a wide range of products to include public or private webcasts, outreach events, marketing communications, podcasts, etc. The RITSL forum leadership will determine how to store, distribute, and make available any deliverables.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for the RITSL forum should be developed and made available to members. KPIs will be approved by the RITSL leadership and periodically revisited to determine if updates are needed as the goals of the RITSL forum change over time. The RITSL forum performance and accomplishments will be used to determine success against the KPIs.

At least yearly, the RITSL leadership will develop a report for EPRI senior leadership and the EPRI Generation Council. The report should include at least the following items:

  • Purpose of the RITSL forum,
  • Overall RITSL forum goals,
  • Yearly RITSL goals,
  • RITSL forum KPIs
  • RITSL forum activities performance as measured against the KPIs
  • Executive summary and/or strategic learnings

The RITSL leadership will approve the yearly report.


Records Retention and Availability:

EPRI will facilitate the forum's information availability and dissemination to members. This can be in the form of a hosted website, email distribution, community collaboration space, records repository, or some other method. 

Records such as meeting minutes, presentations, data, information, will be maintained and made available by EPRI for a sufficient time for the RITSL forum to be successful and effective in its purpose.

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